Vakar Londone per du teroro aktus žuvo
7 žmonės, mažiausiai 48 sužeisti. Ramadanas vakar buvo
švenčiamas ne tik Britanijoje, kelios valandos iki to Bavarijos
Arnschwang mieste 41 metų afganas nudūrė 5 metų vaiką vokietį,
o jo motiną sunkiai sužeidė.
Londone mikroautobusas dideliu greičiu
ant Londono tilto įsirėžė į minią, o po to sustojo prie
Boro-Market, kur iš mašinos iššoko keli teroristai su peiliais ir
rėkdami “this is for Allah” puolė pjauti praeivius.
Trys teroristai Londone ir vienas
Bavarijoje nušauti policijos.
Terorizmą Europoje sukėlė Europos
valdantis „elitas“, visų pirma, didžiausias europiečių
priešas Angela Merkel, kuri atvėrė Europos sienas užsienio
teroristams, plėšikams, prievartautojams ir socialiniams parazitams
iš viso pasaulio.
2017 metais teroro aktai ES vyksta jau
sistemingai, maždaug kas 9 dienos.
Išprotėjusi Lietuvos valdžia irgi
veža į šalį potencialius teroristus, ji pavertė Lietuvos
gyventojus tarptautinio terorizmo įkaitais. Ši padėtis
nepakenčiama. Tik idiotas gali kartoti globalistų įkaltos MIP
propagandos žodžius apie „solidarumą, kad nereikia pasiduoti
baimei“ ir panašiai. Taip gali kalbėti tik idiotas, tik idiotas
ir nusikaltėlis gali degioti žvakutes, rengti minėjimus, piešti
ant šaligatvių piešinius ir tuo pat metu į savo valstybę vežti
potencialius teroristus.
Panika Turine. 1587 sužeistų.
AT least 200 people are said to have been injured, some seriously, after a firecracker sparked fears of a terrorist attack as Juventus fans watched the Champion League final in Turin. Thousands of Juve fans had crammed into San Carlo piazza, one of the Italian city's main public squares, to watch their team take on Real Madrid in the final in Cardiff on big screens. But during the second half of the match, hundreds of people suddenly began to stampede out of the sqaure, after reportedly mistaking the bang of a firecracker for an explosion or gunshot. Video posted online showed hundreds of people sprinting through the streets shouting and screaming, many wearing their team's famous black and white striped shirt. Police lights can be seen flashing while the sound of fans calling each other can be heard. Early reports suggested an 'explosion' had taken place in the square - but many Twitter users soon started saying the panic was a "false alarm".
AT least 200 people are said to have been injured, some seriously, after a firecracker sparked fears of a terrorist attack as Juventus fans watched the Champion League final in Turin. Thousands of Juve fans had crammed into San Carlo piazza, one of the Italian city's main public squares, to watch their team take on Real Madrid in the final in Cardiff on big screens. But during the second half of the match, hundreds of people suddenly began to stampede out of the sqaure, after reportedly mistaking the bang of a firecracker for an explosion or gunshot. Video posted online showed hundreds of people sprinting through the streets shouting and screaming, many wearing their team's famous black and white striped shirt. Police lights can be seen flashing while the sound of fans calling each other can be heard. Early reports suggested an 'explosion' had taken place in the square - but many Twitter users soon started saying the panic was a "false alarm".
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